A camera shy rhino darts for the cover of the tall grass.

Here are a few more shy types -
An elephant runs across a forest track for cover. Check out the comments section in the previous Kaziranga elephant pic for an explanation,

An irritated elephant - does not like being photographed.
Another takes cover in the grass.
A rhino mother and calf. Kaziranga, I guess, is a rare success story in conservation. My friends and I saw quite a few mother and kid pairs.

Fantastic pictures.
Can you provide details re instrument/lens/speed/format used for these?
Again, each is a very good composition especially difficult when things are happening fast and you don't have control over the subjects. Makes the viewer want to visit these places and see for oneself...
Hi Terrywhatlee, thank you.
The format is 35mm film. The camera was a Nikon 801 with a Tamron 200-400mm lens. This time I decided to use 200 asa fujifilm so the shutter speeds were quite low -- sorry, I cannot recall the exact speeds. But most of the time the weather was cloudy and at full open (5.6) aperture on the 400 mm end I think the shutter speeds were around the 200-300th second range.
The last picture of the rhino and calf was taken from elephant back. I think I used a 28-105 Nikon lens. There is no way you can hold a long lens stable sitting on an elephant back.
Yes, it is a must visit spot.
All photos are great. I really loved the running rhino! It's like a statue, suddenly coming to life!
Thanks, Ramnath. Yes, statue coming to life sums it up.
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