Fresh fish being fried on the Marina -- Chennai Beach.

But for that to happen the fishermen need to leave at dawn.

Here is a style of fishing at sea that one can watch from the shore. I think this net is called the `peruvalai' (big net). Beach goers can usually see these nets piled up in a big mound on the sand. It is loaded on to the catamaran first, in a carefully arranged layer...

then with one end trailing the fishermen set out to sea...

setting out... the catamaran goes following a big U route, and the fishermen trail the net out in a big `U' and come back to the shore with the other end... I would guess the net would be a few hundred metres long...

Once on the shore two teams of fishermen drag the net in, a process that takes more than an hour.

And well on time to keep the snacks ready by the time we hit the beach later in the day.
Excellent photos Balaji.
Your photos tells the story and i think penning was not required for this post.
Thank You, Sathiyan.
This is great info to know.
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