Dakshinamurti, Shiva in the form of the `Guru' (teacher).You can see him in most Shiva temples, usually facing south. This particular sculpture was at the Ekambaranathar Temple, Kanchipuram. One would assume that something of such beauty would be cherished. But...

What a coincidence Balaji. I travelled to Kancipuram and Uttaramerur myself last week, and visited Ekambaranathar temple. Took some photos too...
Perhaps you can tell me if they are good
Kancipuram - 12th March
Hi R, Your Kanchipuram pics are fantastic. I loved them. You should put them on your blog fast. Sorry, I do not have a flickr account, I would have commented there.
Maybe, next time we could plan a trip like this - Mahabalipuram or even Kanchi - if it alright with you.
Oh it is perfectly alright. If I can travel with you and learn from you, it would be the best thing that can happen to me!
Anytime you are free, let me know :))
its very sad the condition of ekambareswara temple - it gets worse by year
i will join too Balaji... :)
i need to see kanjipuram in more detail...
Hi Ashok, inform me over email when you are in Chennai. (email in my profile)
Visithra: Yes, it is sad. Not just this temple, many such locations are not maintained as well as they should be.
And once again your pictures are better than reality :-)
Balaji, Ravages is also a motorbike fan!!!
I would love to join you both when you go. Pls let me know.
As perhaps one of the longest members of the Balaji fan club, Balaji I hope I will get first preference for your proposed Kanchipuram trip.
Tilotamma, thank you.
:))) Ramki and Ramnath, great. You are welcome. The more the merrier. Let us all make it a bike-&-camera trip.
bike camera and history trip. yay!
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